Employment for jobseekers
1. How much money is available (ESF+national funding)?
- A total of €20,109,397 is available for the programmes and measures in the funding period 2014-2020.
2. What are the goals of this investment priority?
- Increasing the employability of the unemployed and other persons not in work, and their lasting integration into the labour market
3. Which measures are possible?
- Activities for persons who are not in employment and for marginal part-time employees, such as advice, training and employment
- Needs-orientated skills training measures
4. Which possible target groups are addressed?
- Persons with a low level of qualifications
- Older people
- Women
- People with special needs
- Young people
- Migrants and members of minorities (e.g. Roma/Romnia)
5. Who realises the plans?
- The provincial government of Burgenland (Department 6)